Meditations on Death: Preparing for Eternity | Paperbound

Meditations on Death: Preparing for Eternity

TAN Books has chosen Thomas À Kempis’ book Mediations on Death: Preparing for Eternity as the Book of the Year for 2023!

Released in January 2023, this contemplative book will help you make the most important resolution of your life. This New Year decide to live your life with an eternal focus!

At First Glance

The hardcover book is 5″ x 7″, 88 pages, and very lightweight. It’s the ideal size for carrying around or keeping on a nightstand. It fits nicely inside of a purse and would be a perfect mediation book to bring along to eucharistic adoration.

The dark black cover which shows an image of St. Francis holding a skull and silver lettering that prominently displays the word “Death” is sure to be eye-catching and maybe a little intimidating. For those readers who are fearful of death and avoid doom and gloom topics, a quick flip to the back cover reveals a synopsis that eases the fear and gives hope that we can prepare ourselves to enter heaven by meditating on our own death.

Who Is Thomas À Kempis?

Venerable Thomas À Kempis was born in Germany in 1380 but spent most of his life in the Netherlands until he died in 1471. He was a medieval monk, priest, and writer who’s most famous for his spiritual devotional book The Imitation of Christ.

Translated into English for the First Time

Meditations on Death was translated into English for the first time by Fr. Robert Nixon. He begins the book by sharing his translator’s notes. These valuable notes provide background information about the author and a framework for the book. The book includes a meditation on death and the “Four Last Things.”  Father Nixon promotes meditating on our own death as the best way to avoid sin and prepare our souls for eternal life in heaven with God.

The Four Last Things

Part one of the book contains reflections on the “Four Last Things.” These include consideration of one’s own death, the torments of hell, the final judgment, and the joys of heaven. The author reminds us of the certainty of death, its often unexpectedness, and the heartwrenching regret that can occur in our last moments if we aren’t prepared.  However, the good news is that we can prepare ourselves for this moment by living our lives for eternity. The author also describes the finality of death and a judgment that results in either torment and eternal separation from God or a joyous eternity with God beyond our imagination.

A Sinner About to Die

Part two is “A Discourse in the Person of a Sinner About to Die.” It is told from the perspective of a person dying with agonizing regret of years wasted in which they could have chosen to repent and turn back to Christ when they had the chance. It’s reminiscent of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol with a warning to the living to choose a different path while they still have time.

Canticles to Heaven

The book ends with beautiful canticles on the joys of heaven and the angels and saints. These canticles give us hope that by spending our lives preparing for eternity, we too can join in this heavenly celebration. We shall not fear death if we live our lives preparing for eternity!

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Many Blessings,
