Saint book about Louis and Zélie Martin

One Holy Marriage: The Story of Saints Louis & Zélie Martin

A lovely new release from TAN Books tells the story of an ordinary married couple who became extraordinary Saints. 

Released in March 2023, the Catholic children’s book One Holy Marriage by Katie Warner highlights Saints Louis and Zélie Martin, the parents of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, faithfully living out their vocation of Holy Matrimony. In 2015, the Martins were the first married couple canonized together and are the Patron Saints of Marriage.

One Holy Marriage At First Glance

The hardcover book is 9″ x 11″ and has 40 pages. Canadian artist Leah Pumfrey illustrated this beautiful book with vivid images that are delightful to the eyes. This book is a treasure for children and adults with the turn of each stunning page.

Ordinary Married Couples Can Become Extraordinary Saints

Since most Catholic Saints are priests, nuns, or religious, we often think we are somehow disqualified for Sainthood if we choose an ordinary vocation such as marriage. Just because marriage is a common vocation, doesn’t mean that the sacrament of marriage is ordinary. By exploring the faith-filled lives of Saints Louis and Zélie Martin, Katie Warner shows us that ordinary moms and dads can become Saints too. The Martins served God in their own home and community in ordinary ways to become extraordinary Saints.

God Had Another Plan

Saint Louis wanted to be a monk, while Saint Zélie wanted to be a nun. However, God had different plans for their lives. The author tells the story of how the Martins embraced God’s will for their lives by faithfully embracing the vocation of marriage. Through humble obedience and trust, Saints Louis and Zélie discovered that God’s plans went beyond their heart’s desire.

For Better or For Worse

One Holy Marriage explores the marriage vows that couples make in the presence of God and how the Martins lived out the promises they made to each other. When things were going well for their family, they lived out “for better” by giving thanks and praise to God. Furthermore, when tragedy struck, they lived out “for worse” by clinging to God and each other. Saint Louis and Zélie became one when they professed their wedding vows and navigated life “together” as the book’s creative font change frequently emphasizes.

Plant the Seeds of Virtue

Saint Louis was a prayerful husband and father who sacrificed for his family.  Similarly, Saint Zélie denied herself by choosing to care for others in little ways, and let God guide her through daily life. This Saintly couple instilled virtues in their children that led them to holiness. Through their example of living an ordinary life with God at the center, they cultivated in their children a deep knowledge and love for God.

Love God More Than Any Other

As much as Saints Louis and Zélie loved each other and their family, they loved God above all. One Holy Marriage shows them praying before the Blessed Sacrament and emphasizes their love for the Eucharist. The author refers to God as “the One Other whom they love even more than each other.” Because God was at the center of their marriage, they were able to raise holy children and become extraordinary Saints amid ordinary life.

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Many Blessings,
