The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization

 Written in 1885 by Irish Monsignor George Dillon, endorsed by Pope Leo XIII, edited by former White House speechwriter, Joshua Charles, and republished by TAN Books in April 2023, this book educates present-day readers on past and current threats to the Church and Christian civilization.

When humans or civilizations turn away from God and replace him with someone or something else, they turn toward the Antichrist. God calls us to be faithful and place our trust in him. We must give all glory to God and resist the temptation to glorify ourselves and seek solutions apart from him.

The War of the Antichrist At First Glance

The hardcover book is 5.5″ x 8.5″ and has 376 pages. The sinister cover shows artwork entitled Satan Presiding at the Infernal Council by British artist John Martin in 1823-27. The dark and frightening image of Satan with the words War and Antichrist should make the Faithful reader uneasy. The unsettling feeling we have when viewing the cover should mirror how we feel when we see evil in ourselves or the world. 

The Catholic Church Under Attack

The Catholic Church has been under attack throughout history to the present day by various people, groups, and nations. Satan wants nothing more than to destroy the Catholic Church and Christian civilization. The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization focuses on the main adversary of the Church over the past three centuries.  The book reveals Freemasonry as the organization that sought to destroy the Church and Christian civilization through its anti-Christian beliefs. The philosophy of Freemasonry influenced nations that were previously Christian to move away from God.

The Pillars of Freemasonry

In the book, Monsignor Dillon outlines the goals of Freemasonry. The agenda of Freemasonry is to remove God from civilization. The pillars of Freemasonry include completely separating the Church and state, replacing the authority of God with the people, labeling all religions as alike, establishing civil unions, allowing for easy divorce laws, secularizing education, encouraging the moral decay of society, and destroying the pope’s authority.

Freemasonry Is Incompatible with the Catholic Church 

Pope Clement XII was the first pope to prohibit association with Freemasonry which continues to the present day. The Church maintains that the principles of Freemasonry oppose the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church teaches that humans are incapable of saving themselves and can only be saved through Jesus Christ. On the other hand, Freemasonry believes in naturalism. The society focuses on the power that humans have to save themselves. They believe in man’s unaided reason rather than God’s grace. 

A Catholic Response to Those Who Oppose the Church

Just as Freemasonry opposes the Church, our modern-day society follows a similar anti-Christian ideology. The book states that Catholics are called to put God first, love others as ourselves, and oppose evil within or around us. Anytime the Church is opposed, we should respond with prayer, penance, and spiritual and corporal acts of mercy.

The St. Michael Prayer

In 1884 after frightening visions of evil, Pope Leo XIII wrote the St. Michael Prayer:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the Divine Power of God,
cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

The Church recommends this well-known prayer anytime we need protection against the evils of this world.

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Many Blessings,
