The Prosperity Gospel

  How Greed and Bad Philosophy Distorted Christ’s Teaching

TAN Books released The Prosperity Gospel by Thomas Storck in May 2023. It’s a much-needed reminder of the truth of Jesus’ teachings for a society that has an unrestrained desire for material gain. As Matthew 16:26 states, “What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?” Jesus spoke about the treasure awaiting us in heaven rather than on Earth when we follow his word and example.

The Prosperity Gospel Book at First Glance

The hardcover book is 5.5″ x 8.5″ and has 168 pages. The cover shows the 1889 painting Christ and the Rich Young Ruler by the German painter Heinrich Hofmann. The painting depicts a very well-known Gospel account, found in Matthew 19:16-26, Mark 10:17, and Luke 18:18-27, in which Jesus answers the question posed by a young rich man about what he must do to get to heaven. The painting shows Jesus gesturing towards the poor people as he instructs the young ruler to go and sell all he owns and give it to them. Jesus also says that if the young man follows his instruction, then he will have treasure in heaven. The rich ruler’s body language shows his sadness and resistance in response to Jesus’ message.

What is the Prosperity Gospel?

The Prosperity Gospel, spread by many protestant preachers, teaches that God rewards believers with success, wealth, and happiness. It’s a self-centered theology focusing on personal goals and the desire for power and wealth rather than God’s will and plan for our lives. Thomas Storck describes two protestant principles that gave rise to the Prosperity Gospel. The principles are the private interpretation of scripture and the privatization of religion. These principles led to the separation of religion from public life. Therefore, the purpose of public life changed from the salvation of our souls to the pursuit of wealth. 

The Desire for Material Gain In Public Life

Since religion became relegated to private life, politics, the economy, education, science, the arts, and even religion became driven by the desire for earthly power and wealth rather than heavenly treasure. Society moved away from universal truth to individual realities. Social life lost its shared purpose of fulfilling human needs and instead found motivation rooted in greed and control. 

How Should Catholics Feel About Material Goods?

The Prosperity Gospel has also seeped into the Catholic Church. While material goods are not sinful, we should be aware of the risk of eternal separation from God when we are attached to possessions or preoccupied with wealth and power. Mr. Storck states that our earthly life should be subordinate to our eternal life, and we should remember that the material goods of this world have a divine purpose. 

Our Treasure Awaits Us In Heaven

God wants us to have the fullness of life. He desires for us to complete the mission he has given us so we can enjoy our heavenly reward. God created everything in the universe for a purpose. The Catholic Church teaches us that God made us to know, love, and serve Him in this world so that we may live with Him in heaven for all eternity. Our private and public lives should reflect our divine purpose. The book concludes, “May it please God that we use the things of this world in such a manner that we do reach our eternal reward.”

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Many Blessings,
